Professional Learning
Empowering educators empower students

In The Works!
We start by LISTENING to a district's current reality, digging deep into their vision and identifying what we'll need to bring that vision to life.
of our districts who take part in a NEED ASSESSMENT engage in a transformative Professional Learning Cycle.
of our Professional Learning Cycle participants engage in a MULTI-YEAR TRANSFORMATION with us.
Next we COLLABORATE, distributing our time together between co-planning, one-on-one or team coaching and
co-facilitating right alongside district
we serve. Becoming an active partner to districts we serve is essential to them, which is why
of our time together is spent in collaboration.
in about
days, our collaborative partnerships TRANSFORM districts' visions into a reality
AWARE 2020 (1.0)Grant Purpose: Advancing Wellness and Reliance in Education (AWARE). Provide statewide support for a Mental Health Coalition. SAMHSA’s Project AWARE Page: https://www.samhsa.gov/grants/grant-announcements/sm-20-016 ISBE Provided Project AWARE Informational Silde Deck: https://www.isbe.net/Documents/SWC21-IL-AWARE-ppt.pdf
Cook County Behavioral HealthGrant Purpose: Stronger Together: Building a More Equitable Behavioral Health System in Cook County Initiative aims to address behavioral health inequities across the region’s system of care through increased systems alignment, enhanced system quality, and the expansion of access to early intervention and prevention, treatment, support, recovery, and crisis assessment and care. Cook County Health Informational Packet: https://cookcountyhealth.org/wp-content/uploads/Stronger-Together-Open-Call-Information-Packet__030624.pdf
Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention (TVTP)Grant Purpose: Advance the Illinois Targeted Violence Prevention Strategy for K-12 students. Appoint safety directors at the school community level who will provide resources and coordinate activities focused on violence prevention. Department of Homeland Security Grants Info Page: https://www.dhs.gov/tvtpgrants
Safe2Help IllinoisGrant Purpose: Mental Health Toolkit Safe2Help Resources: https://www.safe2helpil.com/
TISS-REACH OUTGrant Purpose: Trauma Informed Support and Services (TISS). Provide Mental Health Tier 1 and 2 intervention trainings to alternative programs. SAMHSA’s TISS-RO Landing Page: https://www.samhsa.gov/school-campus-health/trauma-support-services-mental-health-for-children
Afterschool ProgramsGrant Purpose: Provide opportunities outside the school day to: (1) improve academic outcomes, (2) provide opportunities for enrichment in a safe and healthy environment, and (3) provide opportunities to strengthen public, private, and philanthropic partnerships. ISBE’s After School Programs Page: https://www.isbe.net/Pages/After-School-Programs.aspx
AWARE 2022 (2.0)Grant Purpose: Advancing Wellness and Reilliency in Education (AWARE). Provide mental health training to identified LEAs (Proviso) within the West40 region. SAMHSA’s Project AWARE Page: https://www.samhsa.gov/grants/grant-announcements/sm-22-001
Elevating Bilingual EducatorsGrant Purpose: Increase the number of English Language (EL) and Bilingual educators. ISBE’s Elevating Educators (Bilingual) Page: https://www.isbe.net/Pages/Educator-Effectiveness-Grants.aspx
School Based Mental Health GrantGrant purpose: Increase the number of school based mental health providers in high need Local Education Agency (LEA). US Department of Education’s SBMH Page: https://www.ed.gov/grants-and-programs/grants-birth-grade-12/safe-supportive-schools/school-based-mental-health-services-grant-program
TAOEPGrant Purpose: Truancy Alternative and Optional Education Programs (TAOEP) ensure that students have equitable access to education by creating modified instructional programming and services, by planning for truancy prevention and interventions services, and by offering part-or full-time options to school attendance. ISBE’s TAOEP Landing Page: https://www.isbe.net/Pages/Special-Education-Truants-Alternative-and-Optional-Education-Program.aspx
RSSPGrant Purpose: Regional Safe School Program (RSSP). To provide alternative education for any youth in grades 6-12 who are suspension or expulsion eligible who are administratively transferred to a RSSP by the local school district. ISBE’s RSSP Landing Page: https://www.isbe.net/Pages/Regional-Safe-Schools-Program.aspx
SEL HUBs-DuPageGrant Purpose: Social Emotional Learning (SEL) coaches and related services to serve W40 and North Cook County school districts. ISBE’s SEL Page: https://www.isbe.net/selhubs DuPage ROE SEL Page: https://www.dupageroe.org/professional-development/social-emotional-learning-sel
Stronger Connections (ISBE)Grant purpose: the overall goal of the Stronger Connection Grant is to help schools provide all students with safe and supportive learning opportunities and environments that are critical for their success by establishing emergency operations plans, a positive school culture/climate, and prioritizing student wellness. ISBE Direct Links https://www.isbe.net/Pages/Stronger-Connections-Grant.aspx West40 Provided Resources for Office Hours Presentation.pdf Functions-Objects-Codes.pdf Stronger Connections - Quarterly Reporting Form_TEMPLATE Stronger Connections - Student Survey_TEMPLATE Stronger Connections - Teacher/Administrator Survey_TEMPLATE
School Based Health CenterGrant Purpose: Feasibility Study - Is there a need for a School Based Health Center (SBHC) at West40? Illinois Catalog of State Financial Assistance Grant Page: https://omb.illinois.gov/public/gata/csfa/Program.aspx?csfa=928
BEHAVIORALClassroom Ecology FBA/BIP Consult Individual Student Evaluation Educator Coaching Paraprofessional Training Multi-Tiered System of Support Classroom Management De-escalation Techniques
ACADEMIC & BEHAVIORALAdministrator Academy Co-Teaching Danielson Training Differentiation and Inclusion Evaluative Calibration Growth Mindset Instructional Coaching Instructional Innovation
CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENTDistrict and School Improvement Summative Designation Support 5 Essentials Training Danielson Training Leadership Coaching NWEA/IAR Training and Support Standards Based Practices Strategic Planning Data Analysis
SEL (SOCIAL & EMOTIONAL LEARNING)Social-Emotional Learning Hub Supports Trauma Informed Practices LGBTQIA+ Policy and Practices Support Safe2Help Mental Health Toolkit Promoting a Culture of Attendance Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Digital Literacy De-escalation Techniques Tiered Intervention Strategies School Improvement Action Planning Data Analysis and Systems Review Multi-Tiered System of Support
SPECIAL EDUCATION SERVICESAssistive Technology Needs Classroom Best Practice Supports Curriculum Adaptation Differentiation IEP Development Inclusion Program Development Sign Language Resources Transition Age Support Understanding and Supporting Students with Special Needs